Our Parent Handbook provides any new families to the service an overview of some of Beulah Matumbi Child Care Centre’s policies and program information.
- The centre’s responsibility for children is between the hours of 7:30am and 6pm.
- Collection: The director must be informed in writing or by a personal phone call if children are to be collected by someone other than persons named on the enrolment form.
- Late fees: Parents may be liable for a late fee of $2 a minute if children are collected after 6pm.
- Injury: In the event of an injury and if it is deemed necessary, the director reserves the right to seek medical advice for which parents must bear the expense.
- Illness: Should the director consider any child too ill to remain at the centre, parents must make arrangements for the child to be collected as soon as possible.
- The Director or other staff member must be notified if a child is to be absent from the centre on account of illness.
- Fees: The fees are to be in advance. They should be paid by cheque, cash or EFT (cheques payable to Beulah Matumbi Pty Ltd). We provide monthly envelopes for payment. If paying by cash or cheque, please place envelopes in the purple fees box on the shelf in the main room.
Fees are to be paid:
a) If public holidays fall on weekdays.
b) If the child is absent through illness
c) If the child is absent on holidays. Any family in arrears for more than two weeks will be given a reminder notice. - Before a child is removed from the centre: Eight weeks of care must be completed initially and four full weeks notice must be given in order for the enrolment deposit of $500 returned.
- Spare clothing: Children need to bring a complete change of named clothing. All clothes, shoes etc. must be named. No responsibility is accepted for loss of belongings.
- Medication: If your child requires medication, this is to be handed to the Director or teacher and the necessary information written onto the medication form which is to be signed by the parent and the administering teacher. The medication form should also be handed to staff.
- Change of information: Parents must notify the centre of any change of address, phone number or employment.
- Suspicion of abuse or neglect: If a child is believed to have any unusual sign of injury, neglect or abuse upon his/her body or if a child reveals through conversation, play or behaviour an incidence of abuse or neglect, a factual record of the incident will be made and reported to the ChildStory Reporter Community via https://reporter.childstory.nsw.gov.au/s/
Step 1: On discovering an emergency, the person will raise an alarm without panicking the children.
Step 2: Director or person in charge will:
a. Notify the police or fire brigade on “000” giving details of the centre
b. Collect attendance roll
Other staff: will organise an orderly evacuation of all children to either the assembly point located in the car park of 184 Clovelly Road or in front of 196 Clovelly Road depending on the situation.
Step 3: Director and staff will check off evacuated children against roll and check that all staff are present.
Step 4: Director to liaise with emergency services.